Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Golden Question

I figured once I was pregnant people would be interested in our due date, if I was having a boy or a girl, if we had names figured out, if we were nervous, etc.  What I didn't expect was the overwhelming amount of what I dubbed "The Golden Question"


At first I thought it was so sweet.  People making sure everything was okay with me and that I was feeling healthy throughout the pregnancy.

Then it became redundant, but I still thought it was nice and respectful of people to ask.  And I reminded myself that I was very lucky to be able to answer that question with "really great" or "fantastic" or even "no complaints".  And that reminder pushed me through.

Now that I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant (Maybe almost 35 depending on how much this baby decides to keep growing) it's getting harder and harder to not say the truth.

*I'm sick of peeing all the time
*I'm hungry a lot, but feel like barfing after everything I try and eat
*My rib cage is killing me
*My back constantly hurts
*I can't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time and I'm so tired
*I miss beer
And the best one:
*I can't even tie my own shoes, how do you think I'm feeling?

But of course people don't ask me the question to hear the *real* truth so I suck it up, put a smile on my face and a hand on my what seems way too giant belly, and say

"I'm feeling really well thank you so much for caring"

Blah.  Just earlier this week I hit my point.  My breaking point of not really wanting to be pregnant anymore.  Sure the kicks and movements are fun, but the rest I could really really really do without.  Then I think about not being pregnant anymore and I feel a little guilty for wanting to wish it all away.  I just need to remember to tell myself that it's only for a limited time in my life that I will be blessed enough to bear children and I shouldn't take it for granted.  I can't promise to be perfect and not get frustrated with the fact that I can't paint my toenails or take a deep breath, but I can promise to try and remind myself I'm part of a miracle and not everybody can say that.  I need to be thankful, appreciative, and excited that my body allowed me this gift. 

I can do it.  I know I can.  And I will forever be thankful for this miracle.

1 comment:

  1. I remember feeling like that...and towards the end even after I would respond "I feel really good thanks" I felt like people were waiting for me to start in on how I was REALLY feeling...so I finally started answering "You know..I'm tired and can't wait to meet him but I feel good otherwise!" lol
