Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ready to Rock!

After reading all the articles and check lists online, I realized that we needed to pack our hospital bags!!

It was oddly exciting.  At first it seemed overwhelming but once I started making different piles on our bed and seeing what I had before I put it in the bag helped a ton.  I had a for me pile, for baby pile, and for Mark to pack pile.  It turned out pretty well. 

For me I stayed pretty simple - some socks, a nursing bra, a robe, some pajama bottoms, my ipod and dock, and my normal toiletries.  I also put in some other things for nursing and of course extra batteries for the camera.  My last minute things I need to put in the day we go will be my make up and hair care items - obviously I can't go until my due date with those things being packed :)

For Baby was probably the most fun pile.  A cute girl outfit - complete with headband, a manly boy outfit, a couple onesies, one blanket, and a small travel blankie with an animal on it my mom had purchased before she even knew we were pregnant.  I really want that "toy" to become a  nice travel companion for baby.

For Mark was really simple.  He just needed some comfies to sleep in, a change of clothes, and toiletries.  We're lucky to be so close to the hospital that anything he would need more of he can definitely come home and grab it.  He got excited - he got to put the baby's things in his bag.  I think he's starting to feel a little more included now that I need his help a lot more.

It's so crazy to see our bags packed and sitting in the nursery, but I'd definitely rather be safe than sorry.  Plus, it gives me a few weeks to change what I packed or re-organize how I packed it.  I tend to do that a lot :/

The other exciting thing is that the glider and ottoman came for the nursery!  By the Grace of God I caught the UPS man right when I was returning from my doctor's appointment and was super stoked.  I couldn't wait for Mark to get home to assemble it so I could sit in it!  It went together really easily and looks better than I even pictured.  Ruby had tons of sniffing to do at first, but quickly became bored of the whole thing.

The rest of the week will be busy!  Mark is out of town for work and we need to travel home - AGAIN - this weekend.  Roman will be graduating college and I have my last baby shower as well.  It's going to be busy but fun.  It always seems to be a fun weekend when family is involved and I'm sure Roman is excited for his big day on Saturday!  

It's crazy to think that after this weekend we won't be traveling anywhere until the babe gets here AND that I only have 12 shifts left at work.  Things are starting to get real and my anxiety sure shows it!  It's so wonderful that Mark knows just what to do and say to calm me down and make me remember that yes I CAN do this!  :)


  1. I am so excited for you! I love reading your posts. So I can't wait to read about your birth story, and see pictures of your beautiful little girl! XX

  2. exciting!! it's getting so close :) Bring some slippers with you as well!
